Monday, January 02, 2006

Singapore Idol 2006 - Not Gurmit again!

Yes, It has been confirmed. Singapore Idol is going to be hosted by
none other than ... Gurmit Singh!

Yikes! It looks like we're gonna have to endure his unintelligible
banter and mispronunciations this year as well! I have nothing against
the bloke personally, but I think he shouldn't venture beyond the
boundaries of his yellow boots and "raisin" looking mole role, PCK!

Frankly, I'm getting so sick and tired of seeing his face at every English
language event programme that I am tempted to switch to my Star World
or AXN. I'd rather see a re-run of Starship Enterprise than to put up
with his, "I WANT TO HEAR YOU SCREAM, SINGAPORE!!!!!" once again. Take for example, the New Year Show that we had just two days ago. I knew that he was on, so I turned to ESPN and watched European soccer until it was 5 minutes to midnight and forced myself to endure him usher 2006 in! WTF!

I can only attribute to him being on Singapore Idol again because Mediacorp pays him a salary, therefore, with nothing else for him to do ... make him host lah! What else? They even filled him in a leading role in "Lifeline" and all I can say that the series is in bad need of a defibrillator ... Stat!!!!

There are others out there, Mediacorp!!! Daniel Ong, Glenn Ong, Adrian
Pang ... the list goes one. Goodness, even the Flying Dutchman would
have been a better choice.

Alas, all these will fall on deaf ears as Mediacorp knows best, isn't
it? Sigh ....

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